
The New Chapter In My Life - 2024

In July 2023 I could no longer afford my rent where I was living, so I went to live on a farm for SASSA pensioners with the few pieces of furniture and belongings I had. Shortly afterwards I applied for a new home to move to which I qualified for taking into consideration my circumstances but it would take some time as there are many applications in the system.  The farm had no running water or electricity so I had to make do with what I could use over a period of months I acquired a solar system by which I could charge various different devices and even watch TV 📺. I'm fortunate to have inherited my mom's car so I have my own transport which is vital in my case to get to the clinic and the shops. In November 2023 I renewed my sassa for the next twelve months. January 2024 I received the first of my new approved sassa social grant. I also pursued my application for my new apartment and got in contact with the company in question and followed all the steps required

Fathers Day Memories and the loss of my parents and a new outlook on life

  Fathers Day Memories and the loss of my parents and a new outlook on life February 17th, 2024 I  missed my dad today on this cold and windy rainy day of 19 June 2023 (Died April 7th, 1995). This was also a cold but not rainy night on April 7th, 1995 I was 24 years old on April 29th, 1995. It was in very early hours of the morning on April 7th 1995 at approximately 02h50 when our church minister came to wake my mom by the bedroom window to inform us of my dad's passing.  I was very stunned as I didn't know how take it in or process the very thought of my dad being gone. The very task I was given by God The King, my King had come to an end. A journey which had started in 1993 had now come to an abrubt end. But there was my mom still to think of as my mom was still around and we had to pick up the pieces and carry on. The following weeks were absolute brutal on us as a family because all the trauma of my dad being gone and now lay ahead funeral arrangements and the funeral itse

Remembering my Mom, Dad & Donsie during Christmas - 24 December 2022

Remembering my Mom, Dad & Donsie during Christmas - 24 December 2022 I lie on my bed thinking of when times were different and so many friends and family were around 30 years ago. Life seemed less complicated and life was more, affordable in many aspects. I was a happy healthy vibrant young man. I enjoyed all the small things in life. I had great friends. I made a living in the motor industry. I can honestly say I was quite content with life as it was and the state of things in general as nothing much would distract me from enjoying life. Make no mistake, I was no angel. I would get in many arguments with my parents as I was the youngest but also very much a rebel and would see many things my way although it might not have been because I was naive. But most importantly my parents meant everything to me and I always wanted to follow and go where my dad would go and be someone like him one day. But God had other plans for my life. As I grew up, I always looked up to my eldest brother

Memories & Pain

My Broken Spirit I miss the time with my mom & Dad. I always felt safe and secure until I lost my dad on April 7th, 1995. My whole world came crashing down. Two years of sorrow and wearing black as a symbol of my immense loss crying most of the time during that period. But I had my mom to fall back on and with time I was able to live with the fact that my dad won't be coming back. My mom consoled me throughout that difficult time. We also had our arguments over the past 24 years after my dad passed away. But she was always there and we had our jointly owned home we purchased together after my dad was gone. When I would come back home from work or visiting my friends or even when I would go away for a weekend or longer once I got back home, she was always there and it was always so satisfying to know that my mom was still around and I could come home and sit down and tell her about my day or my experiences whilst I was away from home. She would make me coffee every morning and

Broken Heart of Pain

Broken Heart of Pain   I feel sometimes I just want to give up as my heart and mind is full of so much pain and bad memories of disappointment.  Everything I ever started, I either never finished and/or feel like I’ve never done anything properly. I keep being ill as my health is on the decline for some time now. I don’t have any strength left in me to keep going anymore. I’m physically too weak & tired to do most things for myself because of my failing health. I don’t know what to do or think anymore. I’m so tired of fighting losing battles. Its too painful and most of my family have deserted me as If I'm thought of as absolute trash.   My heart seems to be so badly broken that I don’t have any fight left in me. Its all just PAIN!  How do I get out of my predicament and find at least some solus in my situation of pain and grief in my last days on earth until my time is up?  1 October 2022 Chris DeFlamingh Born: 29 April 1971

Photo Gallery - Memories of friends & family
