Broken Heart of Pain
Broken Heart of Pain
I feel sometimes I just want to give up as my heart and mind is full of so much pain and bad memories of disappointment. Everything I ever started, I either never finished and/or feel like I’ve never done anything properly. I keep being ill as my health is on the decline for some time now. I don’t have any strength left in me to keep going anymore. I’m physically too weak & tired to do most things for myself because of my failing health. I don’t know what to do or think anymore. I’m so tired of fighting losing battles. Its too painful and most of my family have deserted me as If I'm thought of as absolute trash. My heart seems to be so badly broken that I don’t have any fight left in me. Its all just PAIN! How do I get out of my predicament and find at least some solus in my situation of pain and grief in my last days on earth until my time is up?
1 October 2022
Chris DeFlamingh
Born: 29 April 1971