Fathers Day Memories and the loss of my parents and a new outlook on life

Fathers Day Memories and the loss of my parents and a new outlook on life February 17th, 2024 I missed my dad today on this cold and windy rainy day of 19 June 2023 (Died April 7th, 1995). This was also a cold but not rainy night on April 7th, 1995 I was 24 years old on April 29th, 1995. It was in very early hours of the morning on April 7th 1995 at approximately 02h50 when our church minister came to wake my mom by the bedroom window to inform us of my dad's passing. I was very stunned as I didn't know how take it in or process the very thought of my dad being gone. The very task I was given by God The King, my King had come to an end. A journey which had started in 1993 had now come to an abrubt end. But there was my mom still to think of as my mom was still around and we had to pick up the pieces and carry on. The following weeks were absolute brutal on us as a family because all the trauma of my dad being gone and now lay ahead funeral arrangements and the funera...