My Legacy

My Legacy I want my blog and my life story to serve as my legacy and maybe also serve as an example or even as inspiration to others. I learned alot from my mistakes and my achievements over the years and that shaped me into the person I turned out to be. I was by no means ever an angel. I would be very judgmental and rude to people in their presence and behind their backs. It's something I've never been proud of but been very much aware of all my downfalls and negative traits and things that I have done wrong and people I may have offended during my lifetime. I would like to humbly apologise to anyone and everyone I have ever offended in any way shape or form. God has played a big role in my life and helped made me the person I turned out to be. I trust my story will serve as inspiration to others as it was a heeling process for me throughout the time spent writing it. My hope is that all people would love one another and for peace to be upon everyone on earth, ...